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Feedbacks from other members for Fatih Mehmet AKAY
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5 Feedbacks from Advertisers for Fatih Mehmet AKAY
Brian Lawrence
Unless this is your email you along with ten others say they signed up. This is the email from the only signup that I have gained through my offer here. What a waste of my money this was.
April 01, 2014 at 11:19 pm
Chatter Bug
Never received referral
January 06, 2014 at 06:14 pm
Dale Rust
fatih mehmet AKAY,
You never joined Traffichoopla from my link.
If you did, you would have received a 6 digit affiliate ID number assigned to your account. If you want to get paid, signup again and check your email in-box and your spam box for the Verification link you MUST click on to Verify your account.
January 05, 2014 at 10:57 pm
James Fomba
I paid many individuals based on a trust factor. My specific specifations for my offer were that individuals be from the U.S. Canada or UK. I will be contacting Darren the owner of Buildmydownlines to solve this problem.
Thank you to all the honest individuals and to all the dishonest ones I will see to it that you are banned.
January 03, 2014 at 05:24 pm
Valerie Bailey
You did not sign up for the business.
January 03, 2014 at 05:07 pm
Why do you leave negative coments when you never really join any offer which you confirm? You are a cheater and i hope you'll be banned because people like you are only ruining the site.
Ivan ChelebievJanuary 04, 2014 at 03:43 pm
Why do you leave negative coments when you never really join any offer which you confirm? You are a cheater and i hope you'll be banned because people like you are only ruining the site.