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Md Khaled Hawl..
I did it but I have no master card.
I have payza account. but this site is not allow payza for pay theirs fee.
if pay my fee I will give 1 dollar in paza.give your payza email.
September 05, 2017 at 10:00 pm
Hi Khaled! I'd have loved to have you in my team. I contacted the company to let them know that I've had many prospective team members wanting to join, but only had PayPal or Payza. They *do* accept VISA-debit-Bank Cards & any credit card, but I understand, many people chose not to use credit these days. I hope they will decide to accept PayPal/Payza in the future & I'll happily pay your way
Steve HorganSeptember 11, 2017 at 12:02 am
Hi Khaled! I'd have loved to have you in my team. I contacted the company to let them know that I've had many prospective team members wanting to join, but only had PayPal or Payza. They *do* accept VISA-debit-Bank Cards & any credit card, but I understand, many people chose not to use credit these days. I hope they will decide to accept PayPal/Payza in the future & I'll happily pay your way