Valerie BaileyMarch 14, 2014 at 06:07 pm
Dainius Balevicius, if you are interested I am offering to pay your way into my feeder program..afterwards I will place your link in a team build where we will place members under you. If you are interested please go here: freetoolbox.com/iamspirit and sign up under my link I will buy your 1st position, place your link in our team build where we will fill you downline. Please only sign up 1 time.
Dale RustNovember 11, 2013 at 03:25 pm
Dainius Balevicius,You're a Complete Idiot !!
1. Serious Marketers DO NOT use XXX in their email addresses !!
2. This is the 2nd time you signed up AND your email bounced the first time !
Asif JahangirApril 10, 2014 at 12:35 pm
Hi Danius, You were Denied Because Your Signup Was Incomplete. Why You People Do not Look into the Requirements. I asked o Surf 50 at least to get approved but you did not and hence you were denied.This is not my mistake i always Approved the People who have Joined and Completed the Offer Completely.