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You can use Power Leads System for building anything as I am sure you are aware. This is an easy way to create your own unique Funnels and Get Leads. They will be setting up some Special Leads Training for Social Networks - the best way to do it by an Industry Expert.
Welcome to the Family Georgia, good to have you here.
Garry Percival
PS If you would like to have Info on a Rebate Club that just started let me know. I am not trying to Overwhelm you with Info, so please do not feel obligated to look at this. If you plan to use Power Lead Systems that will keep you busy for awhile learning the System.
You can make $1,000.00 per month or $10,000.00 per month up to $55,000.00 per month, solely on Rebates. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY INCOME TAX ON THIS MONTHLY INCOME. AND IT IS NOT MLM, TOTALLY A UNIQUE CONCEPT.
October 19, 2013 at 11:41 am