Lamarcus WebbMay 01, 2014 at 03:13 pm
Thank You for your interest in Paidview pointsI highly recommend you join
because a few serious decisions were made before you made the choice to show interest in Paidview Point so please know that the decision was the right one on so many
factors. If you have any questions message me.

Valerie BaileyMarch 14, 2014 at 05:56 pm
Widi Setyo Nugroho, if you are interested I am offering to pay your way into my feeder program... afterwards I will place your link in a team build where we will place members under you. If you are interested please go here: freetoolbox.com/iamspirit and sign up under my link I will buy your 1st position, place your link in our team build where we will fill you downline. Please only sign up 1 tim
Karri Dalton-h..June 23, 2015 at 02:27 pm
Thnks Widi you did my offer so i did yours in return thanks for the credits. How did u like Simple Safelist? I now have a promo code for my downline in SS, if you upgrade to gold let me know by sending me promocode "Gold" and i'll send u a bonus of 3000 BuildMyDownline credits :)Thanks for the credits :) God bless.
~Karri Dalton-Hull