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Marjolijn Pijl
Thanks for joining,
To make more shares and thus more money, get 5 members in your downline for 1 extra free share, then help your downline to get 5 members each to earn another 5 shares. This goes 7 levels deep.
You won't get another free share for 5 more in your 1st downline (after the first 5) , this program is about helping each other.
And don't forget to login every day, that makes you during pre-org 1 share p/day. To activate your daily shares, go to GAS-World Weboffice.
Good luck.
June 12, 2014 at 05:52 am
Jevgenij Petro
Offer not complete. Before accept offer Please read offer details.
May 08, 2014 at 01:39 pm
Jahangir Hossa..July 07, 2015 at 07:59 am
thank you